Directed by Sebastian Ukwa and produced under Steve Guka’s First Feature project, A Father’s Love is...
By Oghosa EhioghaeJune 17, 2024Kill Boro tells the harrowing story of Elijah, a young boy burdened by his father Boro’s...
By Oghosa EhioghaeJune 13, 2024All is Fair in Love centres on Demi and Kanla, close friends and business partners thriving...
By Oghosa EhioghaeJune 9, 2024Késárà The King, a recently added movie on Netflix directed by Yekini Ibrahim and Tope Adebayo,...
By Oghosa EhioghaeJune 5, 2024In the aftermath of the unexpected passing of Busisiwe Lurayi in 2022, fans were left wondering...
By Oghosa EhioghaeJune 5, 2024Beyond The Veil is a series of films directed by Nadine Ibrahim and Sifa Asani Gowon,...
By Oghosa EhioghaeMay 31, 2024Following a devastating loss, a father’s protective instincts are put to the test as his daughter...
By Oghosa EhioghaeMay 25, 2024The Ultimatum: South Africa Season 1 is a Partner-swap reality drama on Netflix which premiered on...
By Oghosa EhioghaeMay 24, 2024This Water and Garri review is our candid thoughts on Tiwa Savage’s debut movie premiered on...
By Oghosa EhioghaeMay 15, 2024Here’s our Momiwa review! Momiwa is a family drama film produced in collaboration with Uddy Udoh...
By Oghosa EhioghaeMay 14, 2024