
The Most Influential Tribes In Ghana

To date, Ghana has continued to represent the dream of black Africa, projecting itself as the home of African culture and idealism.

The Most Influential Tribes In Ghana
The most influential tribes in Ghana [Credit: 1010 Last Tribes]

Ghana is one of the most dominant countries in Africa and the second most populous country in West Africa. It is a country noted for its iconic history. Ghana was one of the first sub-Saharan African countries to gain independence. At that time, Ghana was seen as a symbol of black unity and renaissance. Ghana was considered the beacon of hope for black Africa. 

To date, Ghana has continued to represent the dream of black Africa, projecting itself as the home of African culture and idealism. The country has continued to influence the thought process, culture, fashion, music, and style of other African nations. In West Africa, where it is located, it contributes a lot to the growth and development of the region. 

Notwithstanding the small size of Ghana, the country is populous and diverse. There are over 70 ethnic groups in Ghana. The landmass of Ghana is quite small to have this large number of ethnic groups. However, the large diversity of their small space is well managed in such a way that there aren’t disastrous conflicts connecting the diverse ethnic groups in that small space. 

Among all these ethnic groups, some tribes are more populous, popular, and influential than other tribes. In this article, we’ll be examining the most influential tribes in Ghana. These tribes have influenced the happenings in, around, and out of Ghana. The influence of these tribes goes way beyond their country to other countries in the world. 

The Most Influential Tribes in Ghana

1. Akan

Akan is the dominant tribe in Ghana. They make up over 45% of the population of Ghana. They occupy a large landmass in Ghana, and they can also be found in neighbouring countries like Togo and Ivory Coast. The Akan people are not only dominant; they also have a far-reaching influence that goes way beyond the borders of Ghana. 

The Akan people are strongly rooted in their traditions. They are strong-willed people who have had a long history of dominating their terrain. During the slave trade era, the tribe wasn’t united; so, they sold their people and those of other cultures into slavery. It was during slavery that the tribe became known as a hard-working and strong-willed tribe. 

Akan tribe
Akan tribe [Credit: 101 Last Tribes]

The Akan were the ones responsible for the development and growth of the Ashanti Empire. They dominated the economy of the region before colonialism, especially in the trading of gold and slaves. Even during and after colonialism, they have continued to play a significant role in the growth and development of Ghana. 

Akan people are mostly successful all over the world. Their strong ties to their traditions ensure that they represent their culture anywhere they are. Around the world, the Akan culture is deeply studied, especially in terms of their cultural and literary values. 

READ MORE: How To Make Ghanaian Palm Nut Soup With Fresh Palm Fruit

2. Ewe 

The Ewe people are another dominant tribe in Ghana. They make up about 13% of the Ghanaian population. Even though they might not be as large as the Akan people, they are the second most dominant tribe, and their influence within and outside the country is enormous. They are widely known for their acephalous system of government before colonialism. This means that they didn’t have a centralised form of government. Before colonialism, administration was village by village by council of elders. 

Ewe tribe
Ewe tribe [Credit: University of Alaska]

Ewe people aren’t only in Ghana; they can also be found in Togo. They have a domineering culture that has influenced those around them. They are often soaked in their traditions and belief systems; they find a way to influence other tribes positively. They have also produced successful people who have contributed greatly in different fields. People all over the world study the culture and people of the Ewe tribe. 

3. Mole-Dagbami 

The tribe of Mole-Dagbami is the third most influential tribe in Ghana. They make up 8% of the Ghanaian population. Their influence is possible because of their population and dominance in their region in Ghana. They have a visible culture that’s hard to hide or extinguish. They uphold this culture with pride and exhibit it anywhere they go. This makes the tribe exceptional. 

4. Ga-Dangme 

Ga-Dangme is one of the most influential tribes in Ghana. Despite that they make up only 7% of Ghana’s population, they thrive a lot wherever they find themselves. They have good traditions and culture that are worth learning from. They showcase this culture and their language wherever they go. Ga-Dangme also has a tradition of hard work that makes them stand out. 

READ MORE: Why Ghana Is The Favorite Place For African Americans

5. Gurma 

Gurma is the fifth most influential tribe in Ghana. With a small population of about 5% of Ghana, they still manage to showcase their culture and language to the people, beating other cultures. The tribe stands out in its region. Their culture influences other cultures that are way beyond the borders of their country. 


These are the most influential tribes in Ghana. The Akan people aren’t only influential in Ghana; they are also influential all over the world. Ghana is a wonderful country with deep roots in traditions, culture, and idealism. The country as a whole has tried so much to change the world. 

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