In Umjolo: The Gone Girl, a couple’s seemingly perfect relationship unravels when one partner discovers the...
By Noghama EhioghaeNovember 9, 2024The Shakedown is a Cape Town-based crime comedy about a medical aid broker whose affair with...
By Noghama EhioghaeNovember 6, 2024Blood Legacy is a new drama series from Gambit Films Productions, directed by Nozipho Nkelemba, that...
By Noghama EhioghaeNovember 4, 2024A Play Network Studios production, in collaboration with Native Media, presents a fictional interpretation of the...
By Noghama EhioghaeNovember 1, 2024Turning forty was intended to be a modest event for Princess; however, when her best friend...
By Noghama EhioghaeOctober 26, 2024Family Vacation is a Kenyan movie originally released in 2023 but was acquired by Netflix in...
By Noghama EhioghaeOctober 24, 2024Lobola Man is a 2024 South African romantic comedy film directed by Thabang Moleya and written...
By Noghama EhioghaeOctober 18, 2024Inside Life, a paranormal drama series directed and produced by renowned music video director Clarence A....
By Noghama EhioghaeOctober 16, 2024The Oyo Empire controlled numerous towns and villages, maintaining its power through a network of tribute...
By Noghama EhioghaeOctober 12, 2024TÃ’KUNBÃ’ a thrilling action film directed by Ramsey Nouah, follows the story of an ex-car smuggler...
By Noghama EhioghaeOctober 8, 2024